Studies and Registration
At Jensen Podiatry the podiatrist you see will have completed a Bachelor (or equivalent) in Health Sciences and a Masters of Podiatric Practice. They also will be registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (APHRA). You can be sure they will be highly skilled, registered, professional, educated in the podiatry field and familiar with best practice.
Professional Development
The training does not stop there however, guided by the over riding registration agency (AHPRA), podiatrists also are required to preform 20 hours of continuing professional development to maintain their registration. These guidelines are to ensure that as a patient you receive the best possible treatment.
CPR and First Aid Training
CPR and first aid training is all part of the full accreditation offered to you. First aid and CPR training are carried out every three years and refresher courses completed every year. A podiatrist with knowledge and skills to assist in these areas will provide assurance that you are in safe and secure hands.
Jensen Podiatry
Home base: 54 Madeleine Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Phone: 0414 943 600 Fax: (03) 9543 9575
ABN: 65 193 329 211